The program is available to all business members of SBA with paid membership and extends to your employees and clients as you see fit.
Determine what your business can offer other businesses. Discounts on services, products, merchandise, etc. Contact the Board and sign up.
When you need services, check out the local SBA members for the services you require and utilize your Incentives Program rewards to Shop Scott!
Tell other members how the program works for your business and encourage them to participate as well. Renew your commitment every year.
Several great businesses have already signed up and are offering specials for Scott Business Association Members.
If you and/or your business can offer incentives for others to Shop Scott first, please contact SBA to advertise it.
(337) 232-0642
5808 Cameron St. Scott
(337) 265-3275
105 Cameo Dr. Scott
(337) 988-4041
2139 Dulles Dr. Lafayette
(337) 235-5263
1633 St. Mary St. Scott
(337) 456-5102
1640 St. Mary St. Scott
(337) 886-2005
1005 Dugas Rd. Lafayette
Add a footnote if this applies to your business